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Career Trajectory
I work at the intersection of computer architecture, software systems and compilers. My current interests
include concurrent systems, specialized accelerator architectures and systems for mobile and web
applications, Big Data for program analysis and MOOC tools, and system reliability.
Multi-processor Deterministic Replay: I developed several processor-assisted recording solutions for
deterministically replaying a parallel program. Since the 1980s, processors have added little to no support
for helping programmers improve software reliability. Given the gravity of the parallel programming
problem that we were facing, it was high time to change that trend. I was part of a few researchers that
started this discussion in the early part of the last decade, and it is gratifying to see industry and academia
investing significant effort today to address this challenge.
At Michigan, colleagues and I drastically reduced the performance overhead of software multiprocessor
replay solutions from over 100x to about ~2% for I/O intensive servers and ~2x for scientific applications.
Technology Transfer: In collaboration with Intel, we developed a software replayer named PinPlay
using our0020BugNet’s load-value logging solution. Intel used PinPlay for trace-based processor
simulation across different platforms and debug commercial workloads. PinPlay integrated with our
concurrency testing tool Maple has now been released to public.
BugNet’s logging scheme also influenced the implementation of Microsoft’s iDNA replay solution. I
worked with Microsoft engineers to use iDNA’s replayer to filter programmer intended data-races and
accurately find high priority concurrency bugs. The tool that I helped develop was used to find and fix
over 1000 bugs in Windows software.
Memory Models: Current Java and C++0x memory models provide weak or no semantics for racy
programs, which complicates debugging and could compromise security. Our work disproved the
conventional wisdom by showing that an SC-preserving compiler and hardware together costs only about
6% performance overhead. This result could eventually help us guarantee language-level SC.
Concurrency Testing Tools: Maple, a concurrency tool for testing untested thread interleavings, and a
set of standard concurrency analysis tools (data race detection, systematic testing, probabilistic
concurrency testing, etc.) was open-sourced. Also, we published many concurrency bugs that we
discovered in our project through an online repository. This infrastructure has been used by researchers
from several institutions including Illinois, Washington, Princeton, Microsoft, Google, Tsinghua, and
Fudan, to build and evaluate concurrency testing tools.
Correctly Executing Unreliable Concurrent Software: Yu and I introduced the idea of thread
interleaving memoization. We showed that by remembering tested thread schedules and avoiding untested
schedules at runtime, we can tolerate a large fraction of concurrency errors. Colleagues and I also
developed an operating system solution that exercised complementary thread schedules during production
runs to detect concurrency bugs and avoided them by picking a schedule that is more likely to be correct.
Energy Proportional Multi-Core Systems: While some applications (e.g., playing a video) may be dataintensive
and demand high bandwidth, several others may not (e.g., text editor). However, today’s
homogenous memory and interconnect designs are not energy proportional, as their power consumption
does not reduce proportionately while executing applications with a lower data bandwidth demand. We
proposed a heterogeneous main memory with mobile and server DRAMs, and a power-gating solution for
the on-chip interconnect to help achieve energy proportionality.
Research Interests
Papers共 110 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Vishwaratn Asthana, Erika Martínez Nieves,Pallavi Bugga, Clara Smith,Tim Dunn,Satish Narayanasamy,Robert P. Dickson,J. Scott VanEpps
Computerno. 8 (2024): 127-135
Journal of Biotechnology and Biomedicineno. 01 (2024)
CoRR (2024)
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research) (2024)
Vishwaratn Asthana, Erika Martínez Nieves,Pallavi Bugga, Clara Smith, Tim Dunn,Satish Narayanasamy, Robert P Dickson,J Scott VanEpps
The Journal of infectious diseases (2024)
ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicinepp.24:1-24:9, (2024)
Archives of Clinical and Biomedical Researchno. 01 (2023)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 110
#Citation: 4987
H-Index: 34
G-Index: 70
Sociability: 5
Diversity: 2
Activity: 9
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