views: 5
Career Trajectory
He is affiliated with the Brown Cancer Center where he is co-leader of the CNS Cancer Translational Disease Research Group. The Lawler Lab investigates therapeutic approaches for the treatment of Brain Cancer, from preclinical models, to the analysis of data from patient tumors, with the goal of developing the next generation of therapeutic approaches for these extremely challenging diseases.
Research Interests
Papers共 356 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
NEURO-ONCOLOGYno. 6 (2024): 989-990
Marc Schwab,Moheb Ghobrial,Jorge Jimenez Macias,Michal Beffinger, Yanrong Ji, Andrin Wacker, Hidekiyo Harada,Jau-Ye Shiu, Oskar Novitzki,Ignazio De Trizio,Francesco Girolamo,Mariella Errede,Tobias Weiss,Dorothee Gramatzki, Miguel Maurer,Oliver Weinmann,Viola Vogel,Ivan Radovanovic, Martin Schwab,Nadia Dahmane,Jeffrey Greenfield,Antonio E Chiocca,Daniela Virgintino,Michael Weller,Johannes vom Berg,Johannes Vogel, Ramana V Davuluri,Karl Frei,Ralph Schlapbach,Katrien De Bock,Philippe p Monnier,Sean E Lawler,Thomas Walchli
Tarek Bou Dargham, Zuowei Su, Sergio Pina-Oviedo,Michael Brown,Sarah Cook, Diane Satterfield,Stevie Threatt, Weihua Xie,Pam Norberg,Mustafa Khasraw,Roger E McLendon,Gerald E Archer, John H Sampson, Duane A Mitchell,Charles Cobbs,Sean Lawler,Kristen Batich
Neuro-Oncologyno. Supplement_8 (2024)
Jun Ma,Shilpi Singh, Ming Li, David Seelig,Gregory Molnar,Eric Wong,Sanjay Dhawan, Stefan Kim, Logan Helland, David Chen,Nikos Tapinos,Sean Lawler,Gatikrushna Singh,Clark Chen
Cancer Researchno. 6_Supplement (2024): 5110-5110
Neuro-Oncologyno. Supplement_8 (2024)
Trends in cancerno. 6 (2024): 478-480
Jun Ma,Shilpi Singh,Ming Li,Davis Seelig, Gregory F. Molnar,Eric T. Wong,Sanjay Dhawan, Stefan Kim, Logan Helland, David Chen,Nikos Tapinos,Sean Lawler,Gatikrushna Singh,Clark C. Chen
Neuro-Oncology Advancesno. 1 (2024)
Choi-Fong Cho,Pei Zhuang,Benjamin Scott, Shuai Gao, Wei-Min Meng, Rui Yin, Xinyu Nie,Ludovica Gaiaschi,Sean E Lawler,Martine LM Lamfers,Fengfeng Bei
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 357
#Citation: 13088
H-Index: 54
G-Index: 113
Sociability: 8
Diversity: 3
Activity: 35
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