views: 37
Career Trajectory
Research interests in Prof. Craig's group bridge physical organic and materials chemistry. Many of these interests are guided by the vision that important challenges in materials science might be better tackled not from the traditional perspective of an engineer, but rather from the molecular perspective of an organic chemist. Current interests include the design and synthesis of self-healing polymers and the use of modern mechanochemistry in new stress-responsive polymers, catalysis, and the study of transition states and reactive intermediates. These areas require an interdisciplinary and nontraditional mix of synthetic organic and polymer chemistry, single-molecule spectroscopy, supramolecular chemistry, and materials characterization. Research interests are complemented by numerous teaching and outreach activities, including: (1) hosting intensive undergraduate and high school research experiences for a diverse group of both Duke and non-Duke students; (2) exploiting effective, scalable, and low-cost mechanisms for content dissemination; (3) team-based and active learning content in the undergraduate and graduate classroom.
Research Interests
Papers共 290 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Cijun Zhang,Tatiana B Kouznetsova, Boyu Zhu, Liam Sweeney, Max Lancer, Ivan Gitsov,Stephen L Craig,Xiaoran Hu
Journal of the American Chemical Societyno. 3 (2025): 2502-2509
CHEMCATCHEMno. 5 (2024)
Abraham Herzog-Arbeitman,Ilia Kevlishvili, Devosmita Sen, Julianna Lian, Joshika Chakraverty, Shu Wang,Bradley Olsen,Heather Kulik,Stephen Craig,Jeremiah Johnson
Zhuohong Wu, Jorge L. Bayon,Tatiana B. Kouznetsova,Tetsu Ouchi,Krister J. Barkovich, Sean K. Hsu,Stephen L. Craig,Nicole F. Steinmetz
Nano Lettersno. 10 (2024): 2989-2997
RSC Applied Polymersno. 3 (2024): 434-443
Yunyan Sun,William J. Neary, Xiao Huang,Tatiana B. Kouznetsova,Tetsu Ouchi,Ilia Kevlishvili, Kecheng Wang,Yingying Chen,Heather J. Kulik,Stephen L. Craig,Jeffrey S. Moore
Journal of the American Chemical Societyno. 15 (2024): 10943-10952
Herbert Wakefield,Sophia J. Melvin, Jennifer Jiang,Ilia Kevlishvili,Maxime A. Siegler,Stephen L. Craig,Heather J. Kulik,Rebekka S. Klausen
Journal of the American Chemical Societyno. 19 (2024): 13336-13346
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 290
#Citation: 13956
H-Index: 72
G-Index: 112
Sociability: 6
Diversity: 3
Activity: 49
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