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Dr. Matin has an active clinical practice focusing on the entire spectrum of care for renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and upper urinary tract urothelial cancer (UTUC), ranging from surveillance, endoscopic, laparoscopic, robotic, open and salvage operations for localized and metastatic disease, as well as minimally invasive treatment of adrenal tumors. Dr. Matin has one of the largest UTUC practices in the country. His primary research efforts are based on genomic characterization of UTUC and multiple other lines of research seeking to shed light on this rare cancer, along with clinical research in UTUC and RCC. He actively collaborates with other clinicians, pathologists, radiologists, translational scientists and basic scientists as can be seen in his selected publications.
Research Interests
Papers共 615 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Alice Yu,Patrick J Hensley,Heather L Huelster, Austin Martin, Aaron Potrezke,Jonathan Pham,Jay D Raman,Maximilian Pallauf,Nirmish Singla,Andrew Katims,Jonathan Coleman,Vitaly Margulis,Surena F Matin, Philippe E Spiess
BJU international (2025)
Solomon L. Woldu, Daniel Igel, Brett Johnson,Katie S. Murray,Hiroko Miyagi,Wade Sexton,Isamu Tachibana,Hristos Kaimakliotis,Joseph Jacob,Rian Dickstein,Jennifer Linehan,Alan Nieder, Marc A. Bjurlin, Daniel Heidenberg, Mitchell Humphreys, Saum Ghodoussipour,Marcus L. Quek,Michael O'Donnell, Brian H. Eisner,Surena F. Matin
Urologic Oncology Seminars and Original Investigations (2025)
Urologic Oncology Seminars and Original Investigations (2024): S42-S43
Jennifer Linehan,Josh Gottlieb,Solomon L. Woldu, Craig Labbatec,Kyle Rose, Wade Sextond, Hristos Kaimakliotise, Joseph Jacobf, Rian Dicksteing, Alan Niederi, Marc Bjurlinj, Mitchell Humphreysk, Saum Ghodoussipourl, Marcus Quekm,Michael O'Donnell,Brian H. Eisner,Adam S. Feldman,Surena F. Matin,Yair Lotan, Katie S. Murrayp
EUROPEAN UROLOGY FOCUSno. 1 (2024): 212-212
JOURNAL OF UROLOGYno. 6 (2024): 784-792
Urologic Oncology Seminars and Original Investigations (2024): S106-S107
Gianpaolo P. Carpinito,Thomas Gerald,Patrick J. Hensley, Austin J. Martin,Maximilian Pallauf,Jonathan Pham,Roger Li,Aaron M. Potretzke,Philippe E. Spiess,Nirmish Singla,Jay D. Raman,Jonathan Coleman,Surena F. Matin,Vitaly Margulis
Urologic oncology (2024)
European Radiology (2024)
Solomon L. Woldu,Brett Johnson,Katie S. Murray,Hiroko Miyagi,Wade Sexton,Isamu Tachibana,Hristos Kaimakliotis,Joseph Jacob,Rian Dickstein,Jennifer Linehan,Alan Nieder,Marc Bjurlin,Daniel Heidenberg,Mitchell Humphreys,Saum Ghodoussipour,Marcus L. Quek,Michael O'Donnell,Brian Eisner,Surena Matin,Adam S. Feldman,Yair Lotan
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 615
#Citation: 18676
H-Index: 69
G-Index: 124
Sociability: 8
Diversity: 3
Activity: 47
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