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I am final-year Ph.D. student (expect to graduate in Jun 2021) in the Institute of Computational Linguistics (ICL, website in Chinese), Peking University. During my Ph.d. journey so far, I am very fortunate to work with Prof. Zhifang Sui and Prof. Baobao Chang in Peking University, Dr. Chin-Yew Lin and Dr. Jin-Ge Yao in Microsft Research Asia, Prof. Kevin Gimpel and Dr. Sam Wiseman in TTIC, Dr. Yizhe Zhang (Microsoft Research) and Dr. Yi Mao (Microsoft Business AI). My educational background and professional experiences can be found here.
My research interests include natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning. Specifically I focus on:
Applications of large-scale transformer-based pretraining on natural language generation (NLG)
Investigations on efficient Transformer structures
Faithful, controllable and efficient neural text generation
On-the-fly/static identification of hallucinations in machine generated text
Plan-based and template-like neural data-to-text generation
Evaluation metrics on the faithfulness/fidelity/factualness of NLG
Robustness, efficiency and interpretability in natural language inference
Approximate inference for higher-order structure prediction
My research interests include natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning. Specifically I focus on:
Applications of large-scale transformer-based pretraining on natural language generation (NLG)
Investigations on efficient Transformer structures
Faithful, controllable and efficient neural text generation
On-the-fly/static identification of hallucinations in machine generated text
Plan-based and template-like neural data-to-text generation
Evaluation metrics on the faithfulness/fidelity/factualness of NLG
Robustness, efficiency and interpretability in natural language inference
Approximate inference for higher-order structure prediction
Research Interests
Papers共 40 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
COMPUTER VISION - ECCV 2024, PT LXXXI (2025): 19-35
arXiv (Cornell University) (2024): 7655-7671
Y. Liu,Xiangru Tang, Zerong Cai, Jiangang Lu,Yichi Zhang, Yina Shao,Zexuan Deng, He Hu, Zhaoming Yang,Kaikai An, Ruilin Huang,Shuzheng Si,Sheng Chen, Haiyang Zhao,Zhengliang Li, Chao Liang, Yanxiang Zong, Qianqian Wang, Tianyu Li,Zhiwei Jiang,Baobao Chang,Yujia Qin,Wangchunshu Zhou,Yilun Zhao,Arman Cohan,Mark Gerstein
arXiv (Cornell University) (2023)
CoRR (2023)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 37
#Citation: 1812
H-Index: 16
G-Index: 26
Sociability: 5
Diversity: 3
Activity: 6
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- 学生
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