views: 106
Career Trajectory
Tugrul U. Daim is a professor of engineering and technology management and the director of the technology management doctoral program at Portland State University. Professor Daim leads a research group on Technology Evaluations and Research Applications. His group has had more than 20 PhD graduates. He is currently advising more than 15 PhD students. More than 15 visiting scholars from all around the world have joined his group in the last decade. Professor Daim is recognized worldwide for his research leadership in roadmapping and forecasting technologies. A bibliometric review of 50 years of research (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0040162519305220) published in Technological Forecasting and Social Change listed one of his papers as the fifth most influential paper and him as the third most influential author. A second paper (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0040162519304901) identified his work at PSU as one of the roadmapping schools of thought next to Cambridge and others. His research group has been supported by National Science Foundation, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Energy Trust of Oregon, US Dept of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, EPRI, Biotronik, Ford Motor Corporation, Intel Corporation, US Aid, Fullbright, Saudi Arabia Cultural Mission, Libyan Ministry of Education, CAPES Brazil, Maseeh Foundation, Oregon BEST, TUBITAK Turkey, Chinese Scholarship Council, FAPESP Brazil, Oregon Health and Science University, and University of Bremen. Professor Daim has published over 200 refereed journal papers, more than 20 special issues and more than 20 books. He made more than 200 conference presentations. Professor Daim gave several keynote lectures (https://youtu.be/-obFDSfOcNA, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVnffVX8qkc, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iijOQOfTc3w) at conferences, companies, universities and research centers around the world including Iamot, Euromot, Samsung, Helmut Schmidt University, Kuhne Logistics University, Seoul National University, Bogazici University, Koc University, University of Gaziantep, Izmir Institute of Technology, University of Pretoria, Tampere University of Technology, STEPI, EPIC at UNCC, Cambridge University, National Taiwan University, Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Friedrich Alexander University, Chinese Academy of Engineering and Office of Naval Research. He has been frequently invited to be an external examiner for promotions of many colleagues and for dissertations of doctoral students in universities around the world. Professor Daim is the fifth Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Under his leadership, submissions to the journal more than doubled, the impact factor improved more than 50% and the journal was ranked among the top journals in leading citation indices. Prior to that Professor Daim had led the International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management for a decade and made it a well known journal in the field. In addition he had served as an Associate Editor for other journals including Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Technology in Society, Engineering Management Journal and Foresight. He has been on the editorial boards of many leading journals in our field. He also has been a part of the leadership team for conferences including PICMET and IEEE TEMSCON. Prior to joining PSU, Professor Daim worked at Intel Corporation for over a decade in varying management roles including the management of product and technology development. During his tenure at PSU, he had worked very closely with Bonneville Power Administration to develop a research and technology management framework run by technology roadmaps. He is a member of the R&D Advisory Board for TUPRAS, the largest industrial firm in Turkey. He also consulted to many other international, national and regional organizations including Elsevier, ETRI, Koc Holding, Arcelik, Tofas, Kirlangic, Siemens, Mark and Spencer, and Castrol. Professor Daim has been teaching in summers at the Northern Institute of Technology at Technical University of Hamburg, Harburg for over a decade. He was given the Research Publication Award by the International Association of Management of Technology (IAMOT) and Fellow Award by the Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) both in 2014. He was awarded Leading Research Fellowship at National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow in 2018 and Honorary Chair Professor title by Chao Yang University of Technology in 2019. At PSU he was given David E Wedge Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2017, Outstanding Engineering Researcher Award given by the Columbia-Willamette Chapter of Sigma Xi Research Honorary in 2011 and Distinguished Alumni Award by PSU College of Eng'g and Comp Sci in 2003. Dr. Daim was the President of Omega Rho, International Honor Society in Operations Research and Management Science (of INFORMS) between the years of 2014 and 2016. He founded the PSU Chapter of Omega Rho as the founding President and has been the Faculty Adviser for 20 years. Professor Daim received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from Bogazici University in Turkey, MS in Mechanical Engineering from Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, MS in Engineering Management from Portland State University, and Ph.D. in Systems Science: Engineering Management from Portland State University in Portland Oregon. Contact him at tugrul.u.daim@pdx.edu
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