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Wael Guibene [SM'20] (Wael.Guibene@infineon.com) is principal system architect-IoT, Compute and Wireless Solutions at Infineon Technologies. Prior to this, he was lead IoT standardization engineer at Samsung Research America working on CSA's Matter standard (formally CHIP: Connected Home over IP). Prior to joining SRA, he worked for Charter Communications where he was a principal engineer in charge of the standardization and PoCs for IoT (LoRaWAN and private-LTE/CBRS). While at Charter, he served as the Marketing Committee Chair of the LoRa Alliance as well as leading TFs and WGs for both marketing and technical committees as well as the IoT Work Group Co-Chair at the WBA. Prior to Charter, he worked for Amazon Lab 126 where he was the Wireless Lead Architect for Amazon Echo 4 and Amazon Echo Show 10 – defining the full wireless subsystem (WiFi, BT/BLE/ZigBee as well as being responsible for Amazon SideWalk integration to both platforms). Prior to that, he worked for Intel both in the United States and Ireland, where he helped define the E2E Intel IoT Platform and drive R&D engagements for smart cities and I-IoT PoCs. Prior to that, he worked for the core LoRa/LoRaWAN team at Semtech and supported the launch of the LoRa Alliance. Prior to that, hw worked as an R&D engineer at EURECOM, where he contributed to EU funded projects on cognitive radio and dynamic spectrum access. He received the 2020 LoRa Alliance Leadership Award, the LoRa Alliance Corporate Award, and the WBA 2020 Leadership Award. He holds a Ph.D. in electronics and communications from TELECOM ParisTech, France, an M.Sc. in EE from Université Paris Descartes, France, and an M.Eng. in telecommunications from ENIT, Tunisia. He has published 40+ IEEE/ACM conference and journal papers and filed 25+ patents on various wireless technologies and IoT applications.
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Papers共 42 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
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Wireless Communications and Mobile Computingno. 1 (2018)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 42
#Citation: 558
H-Index: 12
G-Index: 22
Sociability: 4
Diversity: 3
Activity: 4
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