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Career Trajectory
Employed at COISPA Tecnologia & Ricerca (Bari, Italy) since 2009.
He is generally involved in data analysis, modelling and spatial analysis of fishery-dependent and fishery-independent data, as well as in researches about fish welfare and fish physiology in aquaculture.
He is also involved in the creation of R language software concerning applications in fishery sciences, aquaculture, modelling and spatial analysis. In particular, he is responsible of the developed and support of the following R language software:
- "MEDITS" R package for MEDITS survey data analysis and visualization (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/MEDITS/index.html)
- "RoMEBS" R package for data quality checks on MEDITS-like survey data. The software is adopted since 2019 by the BlackSea4Fish GFCM project to harmonize the Black Sea survey data quality checks.
- BioIndex routine: R codes to perform visualization, temporal and spatial analysis on MEDITS and MEDITS-like survey data). Even this software was lately adopted by the BlackSea4Fish GFCM project to harmonize Black Sea survey data preliminary analysis and survey data preparation for stock assessment.
- BioStand routine: R codes to perform time-series indices standardization of MEDITS survey data.
He have participated to several research projects, such as the scientific surveys at sea (GRUND) in 2004, MEDITS since 2009 to date, monitoring of biological sampling (catches and discards) since 2009 to date within Data Collection Framework.
In the last years he have also participated to the following European and Italian national projects:
- MAREA Framework (MARE/2009/05/Lot1) since 2010 to 2015 funded by DGMARE.
- MAREA EU tender specific contract 2 MEDISEH (Mediterranean Sensitive Habitat).
- MAREA EU tender specific contract 7 STOCKMED (“Stock units: Identification of distinct biological units (stock units) for different fish and shellfish species and among different GFCM-GSA.”)
- MAREA EU tender specific contract 8 DRIFTMED (“Identification and characterization of the small scale driftnets fisheries in Mediterranean seas”)
- Grant procedure mare/2016/22 STREAM - “Strengthening regional cooperation in the area of fisheries data collection”, Annex 1 “Biological data collection in EU waters”
- Framework Contract EASME/EMFF/2016/032, including 3 specific projects: RECFISH, MED_UNITs and MEDBLAND
- Interreg V A Italy Croatia Cross-border Cooperation Programme FAIRSEA: “Fisheries in the AdriatIc Region a Shared Ecosystem Approach”
- SafeNet - Marine protected areas: network(s) for enhancement of sustainable fisheries in EU Mediterranean waters
Research Interests
Papers共 49 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
FISH AND FISHERIESno. 2 (2024): 187-204
Pierluigi Carbonara, Giulia Prato,Sébastien Alfonso,Massimiliano Bottaro, Theda Hinrichs,Uwe Krumme, Cosmidano Neglia, Simone Niedermüller,Lola Toomey,Walter Zupa
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheriespp.1-2, (2024)
bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory) (2023)
Scientific reportsno. 1 (2023)
Frontiers in animal science (2022)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 47
#Citation: 737
H-Index: 14
G-Index: 26
Sociability: 5
Diversity: 3
Activity: 26
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- 学生
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