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Career Trajectory
Dr. Xiaopeng Li received his B.S. degree in Chemistry at Zhengzhou University, China in 2004, earned his Ph.D. in Chemistry in 2008 at Cleveland State University, and then worked as a postdoc fellow at University of Akron. He started his independent career at Texas State University in 2012, then moved to University of South Florida as Assistant Professor in 2016. His specific research interests include: 1) self-assembly of giant metallo-supramolecules to bridge mathematic geometry and supramolecular chemistry; 2) seeking novel application of metallo-supramolecules; 3) advancing supramolecular chemistry characterization using mass spectrometry. His research program is funded by NSF, NIH, ACS-PRF and Research Corporation. He received Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize 2019 in Supramolecular Chemistry. Selected Publications: 1) Zeyuan Zhang, Zhengqing Zhao, Yali Hou, Heng Wang, Xiaopeng Li, Gang He and Mingming Zhang*.Aqueous Platinum(II) Cage‐Based Light‐Harvesting System for Photocatalytic Cross-Coupling Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 8862 –8866. 2) Guocan Yu, Tian-Yong Cen, Zhimei He, Shu-Ping Wang, Zhantong Wang, Xin-Wen Ying, Shijun Li, Orit Jacobson, Sheng Wang, Lei Wang, Lisen Lin, Rui Tian, Zijian Zhou, Qianqian Ni, Xiaopeng Li and Xiaoyuan Chen*. Porphyrin Nanocage-Embedded Single Molecular Nanoparticle as Cancer Nanotheranostics. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 8799 –8803. 3) Peng Teng, Geoffrey M. Gray, Mengmeng Zheng, Sylvia Singh, Xiaopeng Li, Lukasz Wojtas, Arjan van?der?Vaart, Jianfeng Cai*. Orthogonal Halogen-Bonding-Driven 3D Supramolecular Assembly of Right-Handed Synthetic Helical Peptides. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 7778 –7782. 4) Zhe Zhang, Heng Wang, Junjuan Shi, Pingshan Wang, Changlin Liu, Ming Wang*, Xiaopeng Li*. Stepwise Self-Assembly and Dynamic Exchange of Supramolecular Snowflakes. Isr. J. Chem., 2019, 59, 237 – 247. 5) Bo Song, Sneha Kandapal, Jiali Gu, Keren Zhang, Alex Reese, Yuanfang Ying, Lei Wang, Heng Wang, Yiming Li, Ming Wang, Shuai Lu, Xin-Qi Hao*, Xiaohong Li*, Bingqian Xu*, Xiaopeng Li*. Self-assembly of polycyclic supramolecules using linear metal-organic ligands. Nat. Commun., 2018 , 9, 4575. 6) Lei Wang, Ran Liu, Jiali Gu, Bo Song, Heng Wang, Xin Jiang, Keren Zhang, Xin Han, Xin-Qi Hao, Shi Bai, Ming Wang*, Xiaohong Li*, Bingqian Xu*, and Xiaopeng Li*. Self-assembly of supramolecular fractals from generation 1 to 5. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140, 12819–12828.
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