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Research Interests
Metabolic signaling pathways in the liver
Kidney injury and repair
Follicle development and spermatogenesis
Xia, Y., O’Shea, T., Murison, R., & McFarlane, J. R. (2003). Concentrations of follistatins and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and progesterone in peripheral plasma across the estrous cycle and pregnancy in Merino ewes that are homozygous or non-carriers of Booroola gene. Biology of Reproduction, 69, 1079-84.
Xia, Y., Sidis, Y., & Schneyer, A. (2004). Overexpression of follistatin-like 3 in gonads causes defects in gonadal development and function in transgenic mice. Molecular Endocrinology, 18, 979-994.
Xia, Y., Sidis, Y., Mukherjee, A., Samad, T. A., Brenner, G., Woolf, C. J., Lin, H. Y., & Schneyer, A. (2005). Localization and action of Dragon (repulsive guidance molecule b), a novel bone morphogenetic protein coreceptor, throughout the reproductive axis. Endocrinology, 146, 3614-21.
Babitt, J. L., Huang, F. W.*, Wrighting, D. M.*, Xia, Y.*, Sidis, Y.*, Samad, T. A., Campagna, J. A., Chung, R. T., Schneyer, A. L., Woolf, C. J., Andrews, N. C., Lin, H. Y. (2006). Bone morphogenetic protein signaling by hemojuvelin regulates hepcidin expression. Nature Genetics, 38, 531-539. (*Contributed equally).
Xia, Y., Yu, P. B., Sidis, Y., Beppu, H., Bloch, K. D., Schneyer, A. L., & Lin, H. Y. (2007). Repulsive guidance molecule RGMa alters utilization of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) type II receptors by BMP2 and BMP4. J Biol Chem, 282, 18129-40.
Mukherjee, A., Sidis, Y., Mahan, A., Raher, M. J., Xia, Y., Rosen, E. D., Bloch, K. D., Thomas, M. K., & Schneyer, A. L. (2007). FSTL3 deletion reveals roles for TGF-b family ligands in glucose and fat homeostasis in adults. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 104, 1348-1353.
Babitt, J. L., Huang, F. W., Xia, Y., Sidis, Y., Andrews, N. C., & Lin, H. Y. (2007). Modulation of bone morphogenetic protein signaling in vivo regulates systemic iron balance. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 117, 1933-1939.
Xia, Y., Babitt, J. L., Sidis, Y., Chung, R. T., & Lin, H. Y. (2008). Hemojuvelin regulates hepcidin expression via a selective subset of BMP ligands and receptors independently of neogenin. Blood, 111, 5195-04.
Andriopoulos, B. Jr.*, Corradini, E.*, Xia, Y.*, Faasse, S. A., Chen, S., Grgurevic, L., Knutson, M. D., Pietrangelo, A., Vukicevic, S., Lin, H. Y., & Babitt, J. L. (2009). BMP-6 is a key endogenous regulator of hepcidin expression and iron metabolism. Nature Genetics, 41, 482-487. (*Co-first authors).
Xia, Y., & Schneyer, A. L. (2009). The biology of activin, Recent advances in structure, regulation and function. Journal of Endocrinology, 202, 1-12. (Review).
Xia, Y., Babitt, J. L., Bouley, R., Zhang, Y., Da Silva, N., Chen, S., Zhuang, Z., Samad, T. A., Brenner, G. J., Anderson, J. L., Hong, C. C., Schneyer, A. L., Brown, D., Lin, H. Y. (2010). Dragon enhances BMP signaling and increases transepithelial resistance in kidney epithelial cells. J Am Soc Nephrol, 21(4),666-77.
Xia, Y.*, Cortez-Retamozo, V., Niederkofler, V., Salie, R., Chen, S., Samad, T. A., Hong, C. C., Arber, S., Vyas, J. M., Weissleder, R., Pittet, M. J., & Lin, H. Y.* (2011). Dragon (RGMb) inhibits interleckin (IL)-6 expression in macrophages. Journal of Immunology, 186, 1369-76. (*Corresponding authors).
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