Intelligent Decision Support System for Including Consumers' Preferences in Residential Energy Consumption in Smart Grid
Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation(2010)
Smart Grid is a novel initiative the aim of which is to deliver energy to the users and also to achieve consumption efficiency by means of two-way communication. The Smart Grid architecture is a combination of various hardware devices, management and reporting software tools that are combined within an ICT infrastructure. This infrastructure is needed to make the smart grid sustainable, creative and intelligent. One of the main goals of Smart Grid is to achieve Demand Response(DR) by increasing the end users’ participation in decision making and increasing the awareness that will lead them to manage their energy consumption in an efficient way. Approaches proposed in the literature achieve demand response at the different levels of the Smart Grid, but no approach focuses on the users’ point of view at the home level on a continuous basis and in an intelligent way to achieve demand response. In this paper, we develop such an approach by which demand response can be achieved on a continuous basis at the home level. To achieve this, the dynamic notion of price will be utilized to develop an intelligent decision-making model that will assist the users in achieving demand response.
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Key words
ict infrastructure,demand response,smart grid,different level,smart grid architecture,energy consumption,intelligent decision-making model,home level,continuous basis,intelligent decision support system,residential energy consumption,consumption efficiency,electricity,smart home,smart grids,decision support systems,artificial intelligence
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