Proceedings And Transactions

International Journal of Dermatology(1996)

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The first annual Beijitig International Dertnatology Sytnposium held May 15-20, 1995 in Beijing, China, was a resounding success. Dertnatologists frotn tnany nations attended the sytnposiutn, held in the Beijing Hiltoti Hotel. The scientific progratn opened with comments frotn two of our hosts. Dr. Gheng-quitig Ma and Dr. Hong-Duo Chen, Secretary-General and Co-Chairman of the Beijing International Dertnatology Symposium (Fig. 1). Their heartfelt welcotnes were well received hy attendees who had heen the recipients of first-rate Chinese hospitality. The tnutual benefits of scientific interaction between practitioners frotn vastly different academic and social backgrounds were highlighted. Following these introductions. Dr. Jouni Uitto, Co-Chairtnan of the Beijing International Dertnatology Sytnposium, and Professor of Dermatology and of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Chairtnan Departtnent of Dertnatology at Jefferson Medical College it! Philadelphia (U.S.A.) represetititig the visitors frotn the West, expressed his pleasure for this first step in fortning a bridge between Westerti atid Chitiese dertnatologists. Figure 1. Drs. Hong-Duo Chen, China, and Jouni Uitto, U.S.A., chaired the opening scientific session.
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