Update on tumor vaccines

International Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Research(1992)

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Summary  Vaccination against tumor has always been an attractive idea for the treatment of patients bearing tumor. By harnessing the host's own immune response the attack on tumor cells would act on a continuing basis, with emerging tumor cells stimulating their own destruction. However, the approach has been hampered by our poor understanding of the nature of tumor antigens and of the pathways by which immune cells might operate against tumor growth. Recent developments in molecular biology and immunology are remedying this deficiency and bringing vaccination to the forefront of new approaches to treatment of a range of tumors. Results obtained in B-cell tumors, where the idiotypic immunoglobulin at the cell surface provides a well-defined tumor antigen, are already indicating exciting possibilities as well as delineating problems. There is considerable clinical evidence that patients have some intrinsic ability to control tumor growth and that certain tumors remain dormant for long periods. Attempts to understand and perhaps stimulate the mechanisms involved are being made through the use of biological modifiers and by manipulating potential effector cells in vitro. Ideally this approach, which may include non-specific and specific elements, could be combined with specific vaccination in order to combat the apparent ability of many tumor cells to evade host defences.
immunotherapy,idiotype,tumor,lymphoma,vaccine,immune response,molecular biology,immunoglobulin
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