A Generalized Approach For Transferring Data-Types With Arbitrary Communication Libraries

ICPADS '00: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems: Workshops(2000)

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We present a generalized algorithm for implementing a communications library for dynamic data structures created with heterogeneous composed data types such us multiple C structs, and where rite data-types may De nested and may contain pointers. This algorithm is divided into an absolute part that is the same for all instantiations, and a relative part that is specific to the communications mechanism used, such as PVM or MPI. We describe the algorithm in terms of our AutoMap/AutoLink implementation in C/MPI.First, we will talk of the MPI case and of the AutoMap and AutoLink solutions (with ideas from version 3.0). Then we discuss what is to be followed in or-der to generalize the data-types transfer concepts presented by this article.With this addition to AutoMap/AutoLink we can ex-tend the functions provided from the current send and receive functions (blocking and non blocking) available for any data-types, to any kind of transfer function;from broadcast to reduce las long as the reduce called process is "message aware "). This will also simplify the extension of this work to data-types load balancing.
C language,data structures,message passing,resource allocation,software libraries,AutoLink,AutoMap,MPI,Message Passing Interface,PVM,arbitrary communication libraries,data type transfer,dynamic data structures,generalized algorithm,load balancing,multiple C structs,nested data types,pointers,transfer function,
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