100 days of iPhone use: mobile recording in the wild.

CHI '14: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Toronto Ontario Canada April, 2014(2014)

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This report presents preliminary results from an unobtrusive video study of iPhone use -- totalling over 100 days of everyday device usage. The data gives us a uniquely detailed view on how messages, social media and internet use are integrated and threaded into daily life, our interaction with others, and everyday events such as transport, communication and entertainment. These initial results seek to address the when, who and what of situated mobile phone use -- beginning with understanding the impact of context. We then characterise three key modes of use found in the data: micro-breaks, digital knitting and reading. Finally we consider the multi-party and shared nature of phone use and who is involved. We reflect on analysis to date, designing from understanding use and future work -- our data provides the resource and scope for further analysis of the moment-by-moment use of contemporary mobile phones.
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