Lamb Wave Response of Fatigued Composite Samples

Lamb Wave Response of Fatigued Composite Samples(1994)

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Lamb waves offer one method of evaluating composite materials. As a material is fatigued, the modulus degrades. Since the Lamb wave velocity can be related to the modulus of the material, an effective tool can be developed to monitor fatigue damage in composites by measuring the velocity of these waves. In this work, preliminary studies have been conducted which monitor fatigue damage in composite samples using strain gage measurements as well as Lamb wave velocity measurements. A description of the test samples is followed by the results of two different measurements of Lamb wave velocity. The first technique is a contact measurement done at a single frequency, while the second involves an immersion study of Lamb waves in which dispersion curves are obtained. The results of the Lamb wave monitoring of fatigue damage is compared to the damage progression measured by strain gages. The final section discusses the results and conclusions.
lamb wave velocity measurement,strain gage,fatigued composite samples,lamb wave velocity,composite material,damage progression,lamb wave monitoring,modulus degrades,lamb wave,fatigue damage,composite sample,lamb wave response,corrosion resistance,composite materials,strain gages,reliability
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