Tutorial: personal big data management in the cyber-physical systems - the role of event processing.

DEBS '13: The 7th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems Arlington Texas USA June, 2013(2013)

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Processing can have for the management of personal information in cyberphysical systems. In particular, we present the challenges for this process, mainly related to the Internet of Things and Big Data processing, 2) elaborate on current efforts in developing an event-driven platform that supports the above mentioned requirements and c) present examples from one real-life scenario (remote patient monitoring). In the central part we present the platform for realizing such an approach. The platform consists of three main components: a distributed publish/subscribe enabled service bus responsible for collecting events from heterogeneous, distributed sources, Event Cloud, a peer-to-peer semantic-based repository responsible for the storage of events and distributed Complex Event Processing responsible for the complex combination of events in real-time. Two main advantages of the platforms are its scalability (cloud-based nature) and the expressivity of the requests that can be defined (combination of real-time and historical queries) based on Web technologies such as RDF and SPARQL.
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