Kodu, alice and lego robotics: a three-step model of effective introducing middle school students to computer programming and robotics (abstract only).

SIGCSE '13: The 44th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education Denver Colorado USA March, 2013(2013)

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This poster describes a three-step ladder model of K 12 computing and robotics instruction beginning with a simpler programming environment (Kodu) and progressing to more challenging frameworks (Alice and Lego NXT). While moving between the three steps, students explore the similarities and differences in how concepts such as variables, conditionals, and looping are realized. Computer Science Unplugged activities are integrated and then implemented using Kodu, Alice and robots. This innovative model helps maintaining high levels of motivation, concentration, and fun during the entire six weeks of the camp. Feedback obtained from instructors, participants and participants' parents, reinforced by the results of the pre and post program evaluations, clearly indicated the program as a success.
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