Simple in-office closure of small intractable tympanic membrane perforations after myringoplasty.

Auris, nasus, larynx(1997)

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Perforations produced following myringoplasty are very difficult to close by ordinary cautery or patching even if they are small. Therefore we decided to close these intractable perforations with a skin graft from the cartilaginous ear canal. Our method is an in-office operation under local anesthesia. After the removal of epithelium from around the perforation a skin graft was placed by the over-lay method. A total of 11 patients were treated, of which 81.8% (9/11) demonstrated successful closure in the initial surgery and two re-perforations were successfully closed by a second and third operation, respectively. The technique used in this surgery is relatively easy and appropriate for in-office operations. The method's advantages include decreased invasiveness with minimal anesthesia and no requirement for ear canal packing or fixatives, and cosmetic benefit. This method also can be applied to perforations caused by chronic otitis media, traumatic perforations, and perforations after inserting tubes.
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