Conformational studies of Zn-Ligand-Hexose diastereomers using ion mobility measurements and density functional theory calculations

Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry(2002)

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Ion mobility studies and density functional theory calculations were used to study the structures of [Zn/diethylenetriamine/Hexose/Cl] + complexes in an effort to probe differences in the three-dimensional conformations. This information allows us to gain insight into the structure of these complexes before collisional activation, which is the first step in understanding the stereoselective dissociations observed under collisionally activated conditions. The collision cross sections obtained from the ion mobility measurements showed that the mannose structure is more compact than the galactose and glucose complexes, respectively. Using density functional theory, candidate structures for each of the experimentally observed complexes were generated. Two criteria were used to determine the most likely structures of these complexes before activation: (1) The allowed relative energies of the molecules (between 0–90 kJ/mol) and (2) collision cross section agreement (within 2%) between the theoretically determined structures and the experimentally determined cross section. It was found that the identity of the monosaccharide made a difference in the overall conformation of the metal-ligand-monosaccharide complex. For glucose and galactose, metal coordination to O(6) was found to be favorable, with the monosaccharide occupying the 4 C 1 chair conformation, while for mannose, O(2) metal coordination was found with the monosaccharide in a B 3,0 conformation. Coordination numbers varied between four and six for the Zn(II) metal centers. Given these results, it appears that the stereochemistry of the monosaccharide influences the conformation and metal coordination sites of the Zn(II)/monosaccharide/dien complex. These differences may influence the dissociation products observed under collisionally activated conditions.
Monosaccharide,Relative Energy,Metal Center,Drift Time,Metal Coordination
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