Design methods for the future that is now: have disruptive technologies disrupted our design methodologies?

CHI '14: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Toronto Ontario Canada April, 2014(2014)

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Responsive Design. Mobile First. Agile Development. Lean UX. Crowdsourcing. Machine Learning. In a world that has been disrupted by new technologies and approaches, what does it mean to do "front-end" or "user-centered design"? Are we relying on methods that are too rooted in the past? What techniques are succeeding and what changes do we need to be making? Do we need different data collected, different styles of prototyping, different design principles, and ways of structuring products or apps when building across multiple platforms? How will any changes in UCD techniques be received by current professionals as well as product managers and developers? This panel explores whether user research and design methods as we know them need to be radically overhauled, or some even eliminated.
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