Distance metric learning from uncertain side information for automated photo tagging

ACM TIST(2011)

引用 63|浏览29
Automated photo tagging is an important technique for many intelligent multimedia information systems, for example, smart photo management system and intelligent digital media library. To attack the challenge, several machine learning techniques have been developed and applied for automated photo tagging. For example, supervised learning techniques have been applied to automated photo tagging by training statistical classifiers from a collection of manually labeled examples. Although the existing approaches work well for small testbeds with relatively small number of annotation words, due to the long-standing challenge of object recognition, they often perform poorly in large-scale problems. Another limitation of the existing approaches is that they require a set of high-quality labeled data, which is not only expensive to collect but also time consuming. In this article, we investigate a social image based annotation scheme by exploiting implicit side information that is available for a large number of social photos from the social web sites. The key challenge of our intelligent annotation scheme is how to learn an effective distance metric based on implicit side information (visual or textual) of social photos. To this end, we present a novel “Probabilistic Distance Metric Learning” (PDML) framework, which can learn optimized metrics by effectively exploiting the implicit side information vastly available on the social web. We apply the proposed technique to photo annotation tasks based on a large social image testbed with over 1 million tagged photos crawled from a social photo sharing portal. Encouraging results show that the proposed technique is effective and promising for social photo based annotation tasks.
distance metric learning,social web,implicit side information,social image,social images,uncertain side information,automated photo tagging,proposed technique,metric learning,existing approach,social web site,large social image,content-based image retrieval,social photo sharing portal,social photo,distance metric,digital media,supervised learning,object recognition,management system,machine learning
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