An Articulatory Feature-Based Tandem Approach and Factored Observation Modeling

International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing(2007)

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The so-called tandem approach, where the posteriors of a multilayer perceptron (MLP) classifier are used as features in an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system has proven to be a very effective method. Most tandem approaches up to date have relied on MLPs trained for phone classification, and appended the posterior features to some standard feature hidden Markov model (HMM). In this paper, we develop an alternative tandem approach based on MLPs trained for articulatory feature (AF) classification. We also develop a factored observation model for characterizing the posterior and standard features at the HMM outputs, allowing for separate hidden mixture and state-tying structures for each factor. In experiments on a subset of Switchboard, we show that the AF-based tandem approach is as effective as the phone-based approach, and that the factored observation model significantly outperforms the simple feature concatenation approach while using fewer parameters.
hidden markov models,multilayer perceptrons,speech processing,speech recognition,asr,mlp,articulatory feature-based tandem approach,automatic speech recognition,factored observation modeling,feature concatenation approach,hidden markov model,multilayer perceptron,phone classification,state-tying structures,feature extraction,computer science,concatenated codes
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