Net-Centric Approaches to Intelligence and National Security
Net-Centric Approaches to Intelligence and National Security(2010)
This volume considers the web architectures and recent developments that make net-centric approaches for intelligence and national security possible.The development of net-centric approaches for intelligence, national and homelandsecurity applications has become a major concern in many areas such as defense intelligence and national and international law enforcement agencies, especially sincethe terrorist attacks of 9/11. Net-Centric Approaches to Intelligence and National Security presents developments in information integration and recent advances in web services including the concept of the semantic web. Discovery analysis and management of web-available data poses a number of interesting challenges for research in web-based management systems. Intelligent agents and data mining are among the techniques employed. A number of specific systems that are net-centric based in various areas of military applications, intelligence and law enforcement are presented utilizing one or more of such techniques.
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data mining,recent advance,international law enforcement agency,national security,web service,law enforcement,Net-Centric Approaches,National Security,web architecture,net-centric approach,semantic web,defense intelligence
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