Monitoring strontium ranelate therapy in patients with osteoporosis

Osteoporosis International(2009)

引用 21|浏览5
Purpose The purpose of this study was to review the monitoring of strontium ranelate osteoporosis therapy. Methods The method used in this study was comprehensive literature review with clinical perspectives. Results Changes in bone turnover markers (BTM) or bone mineral density (BMD) have been documented in osteoporosis clinical trials. However, neither BMD nor BTM changes fully explain the observed fracture risk reduction in treated patients. If changes in BMD or BTM on therapy would be easily discernable in individual patients, and were strongly associated with fracture risk reduction, monitoring individuals would be more useful. BMD changes in patients on strontium ranelate are of a greater magnitude and hence can be easily determined in an individual patient. In addition, there exists a better correlation between fracture risk reduction and increases in BMD. Conclusions The strong correlation between measured BMD increases and fracture risk reduction in patients on strontium ranelate therapy will be of clinical benefit to physicians wishing to evaluate both treatment persistence and fracture risk reduction.
Bone mineral density,Bone turnover markers,Monitoring osteoporosis therapy,Strontium ranelate
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