Pathogenic Role of Thromboxane A2 in Immediate Food Hypersensitivity Reactions in Children

Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology(1996)

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Background: Food hypersensitivity, from the standpoint of pathogenesis as well as clinical management, remains controversial. During the food allergen-induced immediate hypersensitivity reaction, various chemical mediators are released. Objective: The purpose of our study was to determine whether thromboxane A2 participates in food antigen-induced responses in children with food hypersensitivity. Methods: Nine open food challenges were performed in nine patients with suspected food hypersensitivity. Plasma thromboxane B2 and histamine levels were measured during a 24-hour period following the challenge. Results: All the patients demonstrated immediate reactions after food challenge. The mean plasma thromboxane B2 level (a marker of thromboxane A2 activity) rose significantly at two hours and three hours after the challenge. Simultaneously, the mean plasma histamine level rose significantly at two hours and three hours after the challenge. Conclusions: The results suggest that thromboxane A2 may play a pathogenic role in part in the immediate reaction after food challenge and that thromboxane A2 is probably released from a common cellular source (eg, mast cell) with histamine and/or by a common mechanism (eg, IgE-dependent platelet activation).
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