Return-Oriented Programming: Systems, Languages, And Applications

ACM Transactions on Information and System Security(2012)

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We introduce return-oriented programming, a technique by which an attacker can induce arbitrary behavior in a program whose control flow he has diverted, without injecting any code. A return-oriented program chains together short instruction sequences already present in a program's address space, each of which ends in a "return" instruction.Return-oriented programming defeats the W circle plus X protections recently deployed by Microsoft, Intel, and AMD; in this context, it can be seen as a generalization of traditional return-into-libc attacks. But the threat is more general. Return-oriented programming is readily exploitable on multiple architectures and systems. It also bypasses an entire category of security measures-those that seek to prevent malicious computation by preventing the execution of malicious code.To demonstrate the wide applicability of return-oriented programming, we construct a Turing-complete set of building blocks called gadgets using the standard C libraries of two very different architectures: Linux/x86 and Solaris/SPARC. To demonstrate the power of return-oriented programming, we present a high-level, general-purpose language for describing return-oriented exploits and a compiler that translates it to gadgets.
Security,Algorithms,Return-oriented programming,return-into-libc,W-xor-X,NX,x86,SPARC,RISC,attacks,memory safety,control flow integrity
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