Fast capture of personalized avatar using two Kinects

Journal of Manufacturing Systems(2014)

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We present a system for fast capture of personalized 3D avatar using two Kinects. The key feature of the system is that the capturing process can be finished in a moment, or quantitatively 3s, which is short enough for the person being captured to hold a static pose stably and comfortably. This fast capture is achieved by using two calibrated Kinects to capture the front and back side of the person simultaneously. To alleviate the view angle limit, the two Kinects are driven by their automatic motors to capture three scans covering the upper, middle and lower part of the person from front and back respectively, resulting in three partial scans for each Kinect. After denoising, all partial scans are rigidly aligned together using a novel supersymmetric third-order graph matching algorithm. Since all these partial scans can be captured in a moment, the discrepancy between them caused by body movement is neglectable, saving the effort of non-rigid alignment. The missing gaps between the front and back scans are filled using quadratic Bézier curve. The final reconstructed mesh model demonstrates good fidelity against the person with personalized details of hairstyle, face, and salient cloth wrinkles.
Human body capture,Kinect,Rigid alignment,Personalized avatar
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