Towards building the domain model for applications of deep web

Journal of Computational Information Systems(2009)

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The field of deep web is gaining more and more attention. Deep web interface analysis is the foundation of deep web information integration. With the deep-going research, it is found that the domain model of deep web interface is significant, and it can be used in some modules of the framework of the data integration: for instance, it can be used to fill the keywords for a deep web interface; to classify a deep web source into a domain; to annotate the deep web data; and to provide information for deep web interface integration and so on. But there is not a unified domain model for deep web yet. This paper aims to propose a domain model for deep web, which is defined as a label tree and can be built using a set of deep web interfaces of the same domain. When the domain model being built, the stated applications can be implemented based upon it. Since this model is complete and can provide consistent information, it is better to use the universal model in the entire process of the data integration than to use an independent model in each module. © 2009 Binary Information Press March, 2009.
Deep web,Deep web interface,Domain model
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