Landmine detection using boosting classifiers with adaptive feature selection

Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar(2011)

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In order to solve the problem of landmine detection in Forward-Looking Ground Penetrating Virtual Aperture Radar (FLGPVAR), the AdaBoost classification with adaptive feature selection (AFS-AdaBoost) is proposed. The feature selection is added into the traditional AdaBoost, which can reduce the training error of weak classifiers and improve the generalization capability of a strong classifier. The feature selection is based on a wrapper model, whose cost function is the performance of the classifier. Considering landmine detection one-class classification problem, the false alarm rate with constant probability of detection is chosen to be the cost function, which ensures the detection performance of strong a classifier. Processing of a real dataset show that AFS-AdaBoost is applicable to the landmine detection in FLGPVAR. Compared with traditional AdaBoost, the detection performance and generalization capability of AFS-AdaBoost are significantly improved.
constant probability of detection,detection performance,false alarm rate,landmine detection,forward-looking ground penetrating virtual aperture radar,feature selection,pattern classification,generalization capability,flgpvar,adaboost,forward looking ground penetrating virtual aperture radar,feature extraction,boosting classifiers,adaptive feature selection,radar imaging,probability,cost function,mathematical model,clutter
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