How to crowdsource tasks truthfully without sacrificing utility: Online incentive mechanisms with budget constraint


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Mobile crowdsourced sensing (MCS) is a new paradigm which takes advantage of pervasive smartphones to efficiently collect data, enabling numerous novel applications. To achieve good service quality for a MCS application, incentive mechanisms are necessary to attract more user participation. Most of existing mechanisms apply only for the offline scenario where all users' information are known a priori. On the contrary, we focus on a more realistic scenario where users arrive one by one online in a random order. Based on the online auction model, we investigate the problem that users submit their private types to the crowdsourcer when arrive, and the crowdsourcer aims at selecting a subset of users before a specified deadline for maximizing the value of services (assumed to be a non-negative monotone submodular function) provided by selected users under a budget constraint. We design two online mechanisms, OMZ and OMG, satisfying the computational efficiency, individual rationality, budget feasibility, truthfulness, consumer sovereignty and constant competitiveness under the zero arrival-departure interval case and a more general case, respectively. Through extensive simulations, we evaluate the performance and validate the theoretical properties of our online mechanisms.
mobile crowdsourced sensing,constant competitiveness,zero arrival-departure interval case,service quality,user participation,truthfulness,computational efficiency,task crowdsourcing,budget feasibility,trusted computing,budget constraint,online mechanisms,incentive schemes,online auction model,omg,consumer sovereignty,pervasive smartphones,offline scenario,random order,mcs,smart phones,mobile computing,omz,individual rationality,online incentive mechanisms
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