
Disturbance analysis tool based on synchrophasor data

Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems(2014)

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Indian grid is among the largest synchronous grid in the world. With rapid growth in demand and generation and increased complexity in transmission network, the grid operation is becoming challenging day by day. With increased complexity, power system dynamic state visualization has a major role in grid operation. This has been achieved with the introduction of Synchrophasor Measurement Units also known as Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs). With the help of PMU, the grid dynamics now can be monitored at sub-second level at control centre. With the help of the sub-second data and phasor information, the power system fault can be easily diagnosed in real time which will help the operator in reducing the after effects and restoration time. This paper is focused on the development of Disturbance Analysis (DA) tool for analyzing faults in the grid using synchrophasor data and its localization at control centre. This will help operator in immediately accessing the fault and taking corrective measures. Various case studies analyzed using the developed DA Tool are discussed in the paper. This tool has eased the process of analysis and reduced the time for detailed analysis of grid event which has increased the operator confidence level during restoration. This tool has laid the path forward for the development of analysis tools as per the user conveyance to monitor the grid.
control facilities,fault diagnosis,phasor measurement,power grids,power transmission faults,da tool development,indian grid,pmu,after effect reduction,control centre,disturbance analysis tool development,operator confidence level,phasor measurement unit information,power system dynamic state visualization,power system fault diagnosis,restoration time reduction,subsecond data level monitoring,synchronous grid operation,synchrophasor measurement unit data,transmission network,disturbance analysis,event classification,fault classification,phasor measurement unit,power system fault,classification algorithms,algorithm design and analysis
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