A Low Cost Hierarchy-Awareness Extension of Skip Graph for World-Wide Range Retrievals

Computer Software and Applications Conference(2014)

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The rapid development of crowd sensing and cloud computing makes it possible to build world wide Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). Range queriable P2P overlay technologies are considered as promising candidate for realizing some important functionalities of CPS, for example, retrieval based on the properties of sensors. However, it is difficult to build world wide systems with existing range queriable P2Ps efficiently as the lack of proximity awareness. In this paper, we propose the hierarchical neighbor selection (HNS) mechanism for range queriable P2P overlays, which can integrate the hierarchy of physical Internet into overlay construction and routing to improve the performance. We also implement HNS based on Skip Graph (SG), an efficient range queriable P2P technology. With extensive simulations, we show that HNS based Skip Graph (HSG) can improve the routing latency and locality significantly with little overhead.
cloud computing,graph theory,peer-to-peer computing,query processing,telecommunication network routing,CPS,HNS based skip graph,HNS mechanism,HSG,cloud computing,crowd sensing,cyber physical systems,hierarchical neighbor selection mechanism,low cost hierarchy-awareness extension,overlay construction,physical Internet,proximity awareness,range queriable P2P overlay technologies,rapid development,routing latency,routing locality,sensors properties,world-wide range retrievals,Hierarchical Neighbor Selection (HNS),Hierarchization,Range queriable P2P,Skip Graphs
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