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Nano and Microelectromechanical Systems Courses


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This paper reports the developments of modular courses and curricula in nano- and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). We design a Nano Science, Engineering and Technology (NanoSET) course as well as MEMS curriculum. The MEMS curriculum consists of three courses, e.g., MEMS Design, MEMS Fabrication and MEMS Evaluation. The role and implication of quantum mechanics, nanotechnology, microscopic systems, molecular engineering, microelectronics and MEMS are examined. We discuss the integration of quantum physics, electronics, microsystems and nanotechnology in engineering and science curricula. Coherent, cohesive and consistent courses' coverage spans from the first principles and basic fundamentals to design, analysis, fabrication, testing, characterization and evaluation of macroscopic devices and systems. The developed courses ensure the overall educational, professional and curriculum objectives and goals.
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educational courses,electronic engineering education,engineering education,MEMS Design,MEMS Evaluation,MEMS Fabrication,MEMS curriculum,Nano Science, Engineering and Technology course,microelectromechanical systems,microelectronics,microscopic systems,modular courses,molecular engineering,nanoelectromechanical systems,nanotechnology,quantum mechanics
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