
Single-breath Vital Capacity High Concentration Sevoflurane Induction in Children: with or Without Nitrous Oxide?

British journal of anaesthesia(2013)

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Single-breath vital capacity inhalation induction with high concentration sevoflurane (SBVC-HC) is a rapid and oneedleless' technique, preferred and well tolerated in the cooperative child. The addition of nitrous oxide may speed up induction by its second gas effects. Previous studies done in children looking at the effect of N2O on this technique lacked power and showed conflicting results. This study aims to investigate the effect of N2O on induction time for SBVC-HC sevoflurane induction in children.Eighty unpremedicated, ASA I and II children, aged 515 yr having elective surgical procedures under general anaesthesia, were recruited and randomized to: Group A: 8 sevoflurane in O-2 6 litre min(1), and Group B: 8 sevoflurane in N2O 4 litre min(1) and O-2 2 litre min(1). The primary outcome was the time to oloss of eyelash reflex'. The time to return of oregular respiration' and oconjugate gaze' were also noted.The difference in the otime to loss of eyelash reflex' was small but statistically significant. Group B: mean duration 53.6 s, standard deviation (sd) 16.1, compared with Group A: 63.5 s, sd 16.1 (mean difference 9.9, 95 confidence interval 2.517.3, P0.01). Differences in the time to return of oregular breathing' and oconjugate gaze' were not statistically significant. Patients receiving N2O had less excitatory movements (P0.007), but incidence of other adverse events was low and did not differ significantly between both groups. More than 94 of children would choose this method of induction again in both groups.We conclude that for SBVC-HC sevoflurane induction in children, the addition of N2O resulted in faster loss of consciousness and reduced excitatory movements.
anaesthesia, paediatric,anaesthetics gases, nitrous oxide,anaesthetics volatile, sevoflurane,inhalation anaesthesia
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