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[Goodpasture's Disease: a Case Series].

Giornale italiano di nefrologia organo ufficiale della Societa italiana di nefrologia(2014)

Cited 23|Views16
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Goodpasture's disease (GD) is an uncommon and severe autoimmune disorder caused by circulating autoantibodies directed against the glomerular basement membrane cross-reacting with the alveolar basement membrane. GD is clinically characterized by rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, often associated with pulmonary hemorrhage representing a nephrological emergency. We present the clinical features of 9 cases, diagnosed in 1997-2012, in our Renal Unit. Contrary to previous reports, we found a predominance of GD in females and we observed unusual clinical patterns, such as the association with renal vein thrombosis in a pregnant patient, thrombosis of the pulmonary arteries and a late isolated recurrence of alveolitis. In dialysis-dependent patients, renal transplantation can represent an available treatment option.
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