Fredrickson - Andersen One Spin Facilitated Model out of Equilibrium

Markov Processes and Related Fields(2013)

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We consider the Fredrickson and Andersen one spin facilitated model (FAlf) on an infinite connected graph with polynomial growth. Each site with rate one refreshes its occupation variable to a filled or to an empty state with probability p epsilon [0, 1] or q = 1 - p respectively, provided that at least one of its nearest neighbours is empty. We study the non-equilibrium dynamics started from an initial distribution v different from the stationary product p-Bernoulli measure mu. We assume that, under v, the distance between two nearest empty sites has exponential moments. We then prove convergence to equilibrium when the vacancy density q is above a proper threshold (q) over bar < I. The convergence is exponential or stretched exponential, depending on the growth of the graph. In particular it is exponential on Z(d) for d = 1 and stretched exponential for d > I. Our result can be generalized to other non cooperative models.
interacting particle systems,Fredrickson - Andersen model,convergence to equilibrium
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