
Efficient water application on soil surface and in the soil profile in a sprinkler irrigation system


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Insufficient or excessive water applications are due to inadequate measurings of irrigation systems, causing water losses and limiting their efficiency. Thus, irrigated agriculture must be performed efficiently, adopting practices to rationalize the use of water, making it environmentally and economically sustainable. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of water application on the surface and profile of an Oxisol, after irrigation through conventional sprinkler, using the TDR technique to monitor the water content in the soil. In the field 196 collectors were installed with 2 m of space between them and forming a mesh with a square format. With the data collected, superpositions were simulated with various spacings between sprinklers, determining for each spacing the uniformity and efficiency of water application; for the latter, a linear mathematical model was used. The uniformity of water distribution was greater for the smaller spacing between sprinlders on the soil surface and profile. The coefficient of uniformity of water distribution in the soil profile was higher than that obtained for sheets precipitated in the collectors, in the 6x6 and 6x12 spacings and lower in the other spacings. The analysis of uniformity coefficients and efficiencies of water application and storage in the soil, for different simulations of spacings between sprinklers, allows making decisions with regards to the disposition of sprinklers in the field and for the more reliable use of water for irrigation.
uniformity,linear model,infiltration sheet
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