
Hepatitis B Seroprevalance and Immunization Status of Children Aged Between 9 Months- 8 Years Old

Çocuk dergisi(2013)

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Objective: After Ministry of Health included hepatitis B vaccine in routine vaccination programme, we aimed to determine hepatitis B seroprevalance and immunization status of children born after 1998. Methods: Case group consisted of 302 children admitted to our clinic,without any history of jaundice, chronic disease, and blood transfusions. HBsAg and Anti-HBs are studied with microelisa method in serum aliquots. Questionnaires about socioeconomic levels of patients were applied, and vaccination status was determined according to vaccination registry cards. Results: HBsAg positivity was found to be 1 % among 302 patients. Anti-HBsAg positivity was detected as 90.4 % in 9 months-3 year- old group, 89.5 % in 3 -5 year- old group and 73 % in 5-8 year- old group, respectively. In all age groups overall anti-HBsAg positivity was 83.1 %. At least three doses of hepatitis B vaccination were done in 8.47 % of 9 months-3 year- old group, in 89.48 % of 3 -5 year- old group, and in 72.96 % of 5 -8 year- old group, respectively. Conclusion: We found that with increasing age, vaccination rates and anti-HBsAg values are decreased. Howeever when compared with studies performed before hepatitis B vacccine was taken into routine vaccination programme, hepatitis B vaccination status and anti-HBsAg values are significantly increased and HBsAg positivity is significantly decreased. So we think that vaccination programme must be continued and patients must be informed of the importance of vaccination.
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