Topology-based catalogue exploration framework for identifying view-enhanced tower designs

ACM Transactions on Graphics(2015)

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There is a growing expectation for high performance design in architecture which negotiates between the requirements of the client and the physical constraints of a building site. Clients for building projects often challenge architects to maximize view quality since it can significantly increase real estate value. To pursue this challenge, architects typically move through several design revision cycles to identify a set of design options which satisfy these view quality expectations in coordination with other goals of the project. However, reviewing a large quantity of design options within the practical time constraints is challenging due to the limitations of existing tools for view performance evaluation. These challenges include flexibility in the definition of view quality and the ability to handle the expensive computation involved in assessing both the view quality and the exploration of a large number of possible design options. To address these challenges, we propose a catalogue-based framework that enables the interactive exploration of conceptual building design options based on adjustable view preferences. We achieve this by integrating a flexible mechanism to combine different view measures with an indexing scheme for view computation that achieves high performance and precision. Furthermore, the combined view measures are then used to model the building design space as a high dimensional scalar function. The topological features of this function are then used as candidate building designs. Finally, we propose an interactive design catalogue for the exploration of potential building designs based on the given view preferences. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through two use case scenarios to assess view potential and explore conceptual building designs on sites with high development likelihood in Manhattan, New York City.
computational topology,visualization,architectural design,performance based design,urban computing
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