Learning to Rank Non-Factoid Answers: Comment Selection in Web Forums

ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management(2016)

引用 21|浏览167
Recent initiatives in IR community have shown the important of going beyond factoid Question Answering (QA) in order to design useful real-world applications. Questions asking for descriptions or explanations are much more difficult to be solved, e.g., the machine learning models cannot focus on specific answer words or their lexical type. Thus, researchers have started to explore powerful methods for feature engineering. Two of the most promising methods are convolution tree kernels (CTKs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as they have been shown to obtain high performance in the task of answer sentence selection in factoid QA. In this paper, we design state-of-the-art models for non-factoid QA also carried out on noisy data. In particular, we study and compare such models for comment selection in a community QA (cQA) scenario, where the majority of questions regard descriptions or explanations. To deal with such complex task, we incorporate relational information holding between questions and comments as well as domain-specific features into both convolutional models above. Our experiments on a new cQA corpus show that both CTK and CNN achieve the state of the art, also according to a direct comparison with the results obtained by the best systems of the official cQA challenge, SemEval. This also shows the primary importance of coding relational information between question and answer text.
Community Question Answering,Information Retrieval,Learning to rank
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