Multi-Perspective Context Matching for Machine Comprehension.

arXiv: Computation and Language(2016)

引用 144|浏览49
Previous machine comprehension (MC) datasets are either too small to train end-to-end deep learning models, or not difficult enough to evaluate the ability of current MC techniques. The newly released SQuAD dataset alleviates these limitations, and gives us a chance to develop more realistic MC models. Based on this dataset, we propose a Multi-Perspective Context Matching (MPCM) model, which is an end-to-end system that directly predicts the answer beginning and ending points in a passage. Our model first adjusts each word-embedding vector in the passage by multiplying a relevancy weight computed against the question. Then, we encode the question and weighted passage by using bi-directional LSTMs. For each point in the passage, our model matches the context of this point against the encoded question from multiple perspectives and produces a matching vector. Given those matched vectors, we employ another bi-directional LSTM to aggregate all the information and predict the beginning and ending points. Experimental result on the test set of SQuAD shows that our model achieves a competitive result on the leaderboard.
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