A Dominant Strategy Truthful, Deterministic Multi-Armed Bandit Mechanism with Logarithmic Regret.


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Stochastic multi-armed bandit (MAB) mechanisms are widely used in sponsored search auctions, crowdsourcing, online procurement, etc. Existing stochastic MAB mechanisms with a deterministic payment rule, proposed in the literature, necessarily suffer a regret of Ω(T2/3), where T is the number of time steps. This happens because the existing mechanisms consider the worst case scenario where the means of the agents' stochastic rewards are separated by a very small amount that depends on T. We make, and, exploit the crucial observation that in most scenarios, the separation between the agents' rewards is rarely a function of T. Moreover, in the case that the rewards of the arms are arbitrarily close, the regret contributed by such sub-optimal arms is minimal. Our idea is to allow the center to indicate the resolution, Δ, with which the agents must be distinguished. This immediately leads us to introduce the notion of Δ-Regret. Using sponsored search auctions as a concrete example (the same idea applies for other applications as well), we propose a dominant strategy incentive compatible (DSIC) and individually rational (IR), deterministic MAB mechanism, based on ideas from the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) family of MAB algorithms. Remarkably, the proposed mechanism Δ-UCB achieves a Δ-regret of O(log T) for the case of sponsored search auctions.
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