Predictive modeling and scalability analysis for large graph analytics

2017 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM)(2017)

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Many HPC and modern large graph processing applications belong to a class of scale-out applications, where the application dataset is partitioned and processed by a cluster of machines. Assessing the application scalability is one of the primary goals during such application implementation. Typically, in the design phase, programmers are limited by a small size cluster available for their experiments. Therefore, predictive modeling is required for the analysis of the application scalability and its performance in a larger cluster. While in an increased size cluster, each node will process a smaller portion of the original dataset, a higher communication volume between a larger number of nodes may cripple the application scalability and provide diminishing performance benefits. One of the main challenges is the analysis of bandwidth demands due to an increased communication volume in a larger size cluster. In this paper 1 , we introduce a novel regression-based approach to assess the scalability and performance of a distributed memory program for execution in a large-scale cluster. Our solution involves 1) a limited set of traditional experiments performed in a small size cluster and 2) an additional set of similar experiments performed with an “interconnect bandwidth throttling” tool, which exposes the bandwidth impact on the application performance. These measurements are used in creating an ensemble of analytical models for performance and scalability analysis. Using a linear regression approach, step by step, we incorporate into the model the following important parameters: i) the number of cluster nodes and application processes, ii) the dataset size, and iii) interconnect bandwidth. We demonstrate our solution, its power, and accuracy using a popular Graph500 benchmark, which implements a Breadth First Search algorithm on large, synthetically generated graphs. By utilizing measurements collected in a 32-node cluster, we are able to project the program performance in a large size cluster with hundreds of nodes. The proposed approach and derived models help to provide an early feedback to programmers on the scalability and efficiency of their solution.
predictive modeling,large graph analytics,HPC,graph processing applications,scale-out applications,application dataset partitioning,machine cluster,application scalability analysis,bandwidth demand analysis,communication volume,regression-based approach,distributed memory program,large-scale cluster,small size cluster,interconnect bandwidth throttling tool,analytical model ensemble,performance analysis,linear regression approach,cluster nodes,application processes,dataset size,Graph500 benchmark,breadth first search algorithm
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