Exploring the Effects of Physical Embodiment in a Puzzle-Based Educational Programming Game.

Creativity & Cognition(2017)

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One prominent aspect of programming skills/expertise is that it requires the use of many creative processes such as problem-solving, visualization, reflection, motivation and handling failure. While there have been a variety of puzzle-based educational programming games created to help teach learners these skills, few have been evaluated to assess their efficacy in developing programming and problem-solving skills or improving learners' positive emotional responses. Furthermore, most games are designed for a single player touchpad/mouse experience. This is problematic when trying to understand the validity of these designs, and whether there are alternative physically embodied design approaches that may prove more effective. My dissertation work helps address this problem. After creating a framework based on a meta-review that carefully dissects embodiment strategies in learning games, I am creating and evaluating tangible and augmented reality versions of a programming game. I plan to examine how these different forms of physical interaction help to facilitate and enhance meaning-making, problem-solving, and positive emotions.
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