Finding Seeds and Relevant Tags Jointly: For Targeted Influence Maximization in Social Networks.

SIGMOD/PODS '18: International Conference on Management of Data Houston TX USA June, 2018(2018)

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-1mmWe study the novel problem of jointly finding the top- k seed nodes and the top- r relevant tags for targeted influence maximization in a social network. The bulk of the research on influence maximization assumes that the influence diffusion probabilities across edges are fixed, and the top- k seed users are identified to maximize the cascade in the entire graph. However, in real-world applications, edge probabilities typically depend on the information being cascaded, e.g., in social influence networks, the probability that a tweet of some user will be re-tweeted by her followers depends on whether the tweet contains specific hashtags. In addition, a campaigner often has a specific group of target customers in mind. In this work, we model such practical constraints, and investigate the novel problem of jointly finding the top-k seed nodes and the top- r relevant tags that maximize the influence inside a target set of users. Due to the hardness of the influence maximization problem, we develop heuristic solutions --- with smart indexing, iterative algorithms, and good initial conditions, which target high-quality, efficiency, and scalability. -1mm
Targeted Influence Maximization,Reverse Sketching,Indexing,Conditional Influence Probability
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