Extending Multiple Diagram Navigation with Internal Diagram and Collection Connections.


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Multiple diagram navigation (MDN) uses multiple diagrams, maps, or charts to navigate a document collection. To support exploratory search scenarios, MDN provides unconventional overviews for the content and introduces novel navigational queries. In a Diagram-to-Content query, a user clicks on diagram elements to retrieve related collection documents. Diagram-to-Diagram queries allows users to select diagram element(s) to see related elements highlighted in other diagrams. Content-to-Diagram queries highlight diagram elements related to document(s) selected by the user. MDN depends on manually created connections between diagram elements and collection documents. Therefore, only a small portion of the targeted collection might be accessible from the diagrams. In this paper, we extend the domain of MDN diagram-to-content queries to reach related collection documents not directly connected to the diagrams. We focus on Wikipedia as a case study and a class of diagrams with specific characteristics. We exploit the Wikipedia hyperlink graph and internal diagram structures to provide a diagram-influenced ranking of Wikipedia pages. We tested different settings for our ranking algorithm using 12 diagrams from six domains. The results showed the strong influence of diagrams on ranking and reasonably high similarity between diagram elements selected by the user and the top-10-ranked pages.
Exploratory Search,Diagrams,Wikipedia,Faceted Search
AI 理解论文
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