Efficient Adaptive Online Learning via Frequent Directions.


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By employing time-varying proximal functions, adaptive subgradient methods (ADAGRAD) have improved the regret bound and been widely used in online learning and optimization. However, ADAGRAD with full matrix proximal functions (ADA-FULL) cannot handle large-scale problems due to the impractical $O(d^3)$ time and $O(d^2)$ space complexities, though it has better performance when gradients are correlated. In this paper, we propose two efficient variants of ADA-FULL via a matrix sketching technique called frequent directions (FD). The first variant named as ADA-FD directly utilizes FD to maintain and manipulate low-rank matrices, which reduces the space and time complexities to $O(\tau d)$ and $O(\tau ^2d)$ respectively, where $d$ is the dimensionality and $\tau \ll d$ is the sketching size. The second variant named as ADA-FFD further adopts a doubling trick to accelerate FD used in ADA-FD, which reduces the average time complexity to $O(\tau d)$ while only doubles the space complexity of ADA-FD. Theoretical analysis reveals that the regret of ADA-FD and ADA-FFD is close to that of ADA-FULL as long as the outer product matrix of gradients is approximately low-rank. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our algorithms.
Algorithms,Education, Distance
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