Adversarial Sampling for Active Learning

2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)(2019)

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This paper proposes asal, a new GAN based active learning method that generates high entropy samples. Instead of directly annotating the synthetic samples, ASAL searches similar samples from the pool and includes them for training. Hence, the quality of new samples is high and annotations are reliable. To the best of our knowledge, ASAL is the first GAN based AL method applicable to multi-class problems that outperforms random sample selection. Another benefit of ASAL is its small run-time complexity (sub-linear) compared to traditional uncertainty sampling (linear). We present a comprehensive set of experiments on multiple traditional data sets and show that ASAL outperforms similar methods and clearly exceeds the established baseline (random sampling). In the discussion section we analyze in which situations ASAL performs best and why it is sometimes hard to outperform random sample selection.
ASAL performs,random sampling,established baseline,multiple traditional data sets,traditional uncertainty sampling,outperforms random sample selection,multiclass problems,GAN based AL method,similar samples,synthetic samples,high entropy samples,active learning method,adversarial sampling
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