Meet HanS, the Heath & Safety Autonomous Inspector.

International Semantic Web Conference (P&D/Industry/BlueSky)(2018)

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We present here one of the demonstrators we implemented as part of our research on the integration of robots in smart cities, where an autonomous mobile platform is employed for monitoring and assessing the Healthu0026Safety rules in a smart office environment in combination with a centralised infrastructure for data integration, processing and reasoning. Monitoring of the status of infrastructures and environments still presents a number of challenges in terms of knowledge acquisition and representation, as data need to constantly be re-evaluated due to their high dynamism. Common solutions, ranging from human monitoring to sensor deployment, fail in flexibility, costs and, in the case of large scale scenarios, scalability. We focus on the idea that autonomous mobile agents can be used as moving sensors deployed by a larger, knowledge-based infrastructure, where the central unit collects and reasons over the information produced by the agents. In particular, the paper presents HanS, the Healthu0026Safety inspector, with the goal of showing that applications integrating robots as data consumers and collectors can be deployed thanks to a combination of state-of-the-art semantic and robotics technologies.
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